McKinstry Partnership
If you've never been in the McKinstry building, you are missing out on one of the hippest bits of architecture in Spokane. It's a gorgeous, LEED Silver building. It's home to one of the most progressive construction companies in the region, as well as a host of other local businesses, including the Toolbox, a manufacturing incubator/makerspace.
Joel and I dropping produce at the Toolbox!
We are very excited to partner with McKinstry to provide them with food for their Local Food Challenge. For the month of September, tenants of the building will be competing to see who can stay the truest to eating a local diet. They'll be encouraged to source their food through our new LINC retail marketplace, and we'll be delivering there once a week. Many of those folks have already started buying through our retail market and we are really excited to continue to grow this relationship!