Farm Spotlight: Full Bushel Farm
Full Bushel Farm is a family farm located outside of Medical Lake, WA. Dan and Laurie Sproule and their six kids work together to grow an abundance of non-certified organic produce on six acres of land. Full Bushel Farm stores 20,000 pounds of carrots and 15,000 pounds of potatoes over the winter to continuously provide a source of local produce to the Spokane community. Through the seasons, dig into your LINC Box to find carrots, microgreens, peppers, strawberries, or watermelon from Full Bushel Farm!
Say hello to Full Bushel Farm at the Thursday Market in Perry and the Liberty Lake Farmers’ Market on Saturdays! Their produce can also be found at Main Market, Huckleberry’s on Monroe, Rocket Market, and Rosauers on 29th.
The Sproules. Thanks for being part of the LINC Foods co-op!
Microgreens! Where the magic happens.
The walk-in cooler where Full Bushel Farm stores carrots and potatoes over the winter. Full Bushel Farm still has potatoes from last fall and they are PRISTINE condition!
Lookin good! Soon to be juicy, red tomatoes.
Rows of spinach and lettuce. A few of the kids take on their own bed to plant, weed, harvest, and sell!
The tractor.