Recipes - Week of July 6th


Yield: 4 servings
Cook time: 30 minutes
Prep Time: 15
Total Time: 45
Special equipment needed: Food processor


1 bunch garlic scapes, sliced crosswise
Braised Greens

LINC BOX/Marketplace Add-ons

Brush Creek Marinated Feta
Free Range Eggs


1⁄4 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup olive oil
1⁄4 cup Parmesan cheese
1⁄2 cup basil leaves
Juice of one lemon



1. Place the garlic scapes in a food processor and pulse for 30 seconds.

2. Add the sunflower seeds and pulse for 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.\

3. Add the olive oil and process on high for 15 seconds.

4. Add the Parmesan cheese and pulse until the ingredients are combined.

5. Add the basil and lemon juice, and process until desired consistency is reached.

6. Add salt to taste and serve immediately.

Zucchini Pasta:

1. Slice the zucchini as thin as possible with a vegetable peeler or mandolin. Do this on each side down to the seeds then discard center. Use a sharp knife and slice the thin zucchini into spaghetti size slices.

2. Chop the broccoli and braised green mix and sauté in your freshly made pesto with a bit more oil, about 5-10 minutes.

3. Save 1/3 of pesto to mix in when veggies are almost done. Top with a bit of marinated feta or even an over easy egg.

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