LINC Staff Introduction

We know our vegetables get a lot of press, but the team moving that glorious produce from farm to table is made up of some pretty incredible individuals. Supporting local food and agriculture is near and dear to all of us and we’d like to share this connection with you. So settle in, scroll through like it’s your family’s old photo book, and let us know how local food has played a role in your life too!


BETH - Food Safety

Beth grew up as the fourth generation of her family to steward the Lazy R Ranch, just west of Spokane, WA. She has a deep passion for designing food systems (like LINC!) that are viable for producers, honor the breathtaking biodiversity of our region, and create nourishing food for the community.

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BRIAN - Partnerships

“This is a shot of me (circa ~18 mos old) on my mom’s lap, next to my grandpa, Dick Fulgham. My mom’s family has farmed in the Walla Walla Valley since the 1880s. Growing up, my grandparents farmed up on Biscuit Ridge, in the foothills of the Blue Mountains high above the town of Walla Walla. Looking at this photograph, I feel lucky for all the time I spent as a child on the farm, and a deep gratitude to work with grain growers via the malthouse now.”


DAN - Sales

Dan Jackson is known as the tomato jedi and basil guru across the Inland Northwest. Dan and his family started Jackson Farm 20 years ago in order to provide a second income for their family. They became one of the largest direct-to-restaurant farms in the area, a network which helped Dan to build what is now LINC Foods.


EMILY - Admin/Finance

“This photo is from September 17th of 2012. We were living in the "top of Ballard" in a tiny 1950 duplex with terrible sunlight but I managed to grow these amazing heirloom beans. I had no idea they would be this color, so the actual harvesting was very exciting! 

“I have had a personal garden off and on since 2002 (college) and have been baking and cooking with local ingredients all my life. Local food, to me, is about relationships. Not just with the people producing the foods, but with our environment and ourselves. When I take the time to grow or buy the freshest, most cared-for foods and prepare them for my loved ones, that seems to improve every part of my life. I know it doesn't really....but it comes pretty close. I don't see a blank spot in my yard as in need of reseeding - I see potential garden space.”


JANEL - Warehouse Coordinator

Janel studied Organic Agriculture while attending WSU. Her interest in sustainable agriculture motivated her to spend two seasons growing veggies at Welcome Table Farm in Walla Walla, WA.


JOEL - Finance

“This is me on our old tractor at Jacobson's Greenhouses. I always loved driving the tractor to help our family farm!”

Joel was the executive director of Project Hope (now River City Youth Ops) for two years before co-founding LINC and later, The Grain Shed!


MICHELLE - Promotions

Michelle lived in South America for two years where she taught sustainable agriculture practices to rural market gardeners, families, and elementary students in order to increase food security.

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PAUL - Local Food Procurement

“Attached is a photo, and the back of the photo, from 1973. I was 11, so that's like sixth grade I guess.

The paper I am holding is a Certificate for First Place in the school science fair.

The object in my other hand is a rack of test tubes.

My "experiment" consisted of placing a radish seed in a test tube, with a moist cotton ball as a medium, to document and display seed development over the course of several days/weeks. I would "plant" a seed, wait a couple days, plant another seed, wait a couple days . . .  rinse, repeat, until I had a full display ranging from a new seed to a fully leafed plant.

I was on my way to a brilliant career.”


ZANE - Malthouse Manager

Zane is enthusiastic about all things beer, especially if it's using local ingredients and local talent. Washington is home to some of the best barley and hops - so Zane asks “Why wouldn't it have some of the best beer?”

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